me, watching late-night talk show

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The Matrix

I first saw the Matrix around ten years ago when it was really popular and, from what I read, groundbreaking. My parents rented it from the video store and I watched it with them. There were sections of the film where I didn't understand what was going on, but there is one line from the movie that has always got stuck in my head, the scene where Morpheous explains to Neo that he's "living in a dream world". That line made me understood what the basic point of the whole movie was, and the fact that it is something can relate to, with my daydreaming and all. After watching the film, I thought to myself a lot about the whole concept of a reality that is not what it seems, and I, as well as many other people, asked myself what if we are all living in a illusion. It is almost mind-boggling, however I believe that every physical object is real because it feels real, so how can it not? Maybe some of the characters in the film has thought about that. Maybe they everything around them was real too. I think that is what made the Matrix so popular among critics, it is a very thought-provoking concept, one that philosophers have been explaining to people centuries ago. The one thing that sort of confused me at first is what Morpheous meant when he said, "This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the blue pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes", I thought staying in "Wonderland" would be like going back home, until I thought about it further. Seeing "how deep the rabbit-hole is" made me understand it more.


  1. I got confused when I watched the movie too at first until I really listened to what Morpheus was saying. This is definitely one of those films where you have to actually -think- about what is being said.Personally,I would've taken the red pill as well.

  2. Alice in wonderland is a bring recurring theme in the film, especially when Morpheus talks to Neo. In the beginning he tells him "Follow the White Rabbit" as Alice did to start her adventure. I too at first couldnt soak in all the info being told on my first viewing but each time I rewatch it I see and understand more. I would take the Red pill as well Madison. Also We are living an illusion Chris, maybe not crafted by machines but definately by Advertisers and the Media.
