me, watching late-night talk show

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Star Trek: The Next Generation / Farscape

Star Trek: The Next Generation was just one of the dozens of shows that I watched when I was younger during the day time. It was one of the "adult" shows that I liked. I don't remember much of what I saw, exect the opening theme which is forever imprinted in my brain due to mutiple viewings, but from that episode "The Royale" which I saw in Jason's class, I think i remember why I kept on watching. That episode is probably one of the most interesting "sci-fi" epeisode I have ever seen. (This is coming from a guy watches too much tv, however I try to use my tv knowledge to my advantage, if that's possible). In this Star Trek episode, Riker, Worf, and Data are transported to an alien planet where it's almost completly black with a greenish cloud above, yet they are completely visible, and in front of them is a revolving door. Very strange...but interesting. They enter the door and inside is a casino/hotel where people from the 20th century are gambling, talking, and drinking. This makes thing even more confusing...because this is an alien planet...what kind of alien planet is this?? After walking around and talking to the manager, who behaves in a strange manner, they attempt to leave when... (DUN DUN DUN!)...they can't! (Every story needs a conflict). They try walking through the revolving door but they end up back inside the casino. Unable to communicate with Jean-Luc Picard, they try to walk around trying to find an exit. Attempt failed. There's no escape. Data's electronic device thingy (I forget what it's called) tells him that these people in the casino are not human. They're not?? "Are they real?", ask Riker. It turns out they are. Very strange, indeed. Things get more peculiar when hey find actually find a "real" human being upstairs in one of the rooms, only he turns out to be dead...for over 200 years. Huh? Apparently, this is all an illusion created by alien from the dead guy's memory. A memory from a book the guy read sometime before he died, possibly 100 years before? They trio then decides to act based on the novel by pretending to be "foreign businessmen" who uses to money won in the craps table, thanks to Data's computer brain, and "buys" the place. When they do, they walk out the revolving door, back to where they came and beamed back to the ship. Everyone's happy.

The next sci-fi series is called Farscape, which I believe I have watched before, and this episode, "A Human Reaction" was almost as interesting and entertaining as Star Trek. It starts with a guy talking to himself on an alien ship where he is surrounded by...aliens. As the only human on board, he gets depressed and wants to gome home sometime before his hair turns completely gray. In the command center room, where all the hi-tech stuff is and big screen tv (or something like that), the alien see a space...and at the end of the wormhole is planet Earth, home. Crichton decides to go through to wormhole and crash lands on a beach...where he is perfectly unharmed. Seeming overjoyed to be home, he gets an unpleasant welcome by a bunch of dudes with guns...or as he calls them, friends and co-workers. They shoot him with a tranquilizer (very effective) and put him in protective custody...or jail...a sci-fi looking jail with glass walls and a comfy bed, and a so-so friendly environment. The reason for this brute treatment is that fact that Crichton came from outer space...well he came from earth, who went to outer space, who came back...but you know how the US government gets. They're very sneaky went it comes to UFO's. The military, including Crichton's father, is unsure whether or not Crichton is an alien. To test him, they set up HUGE hoax where everything around him is from 7 months ago when he left earth, this realization causes his to freak out like a drunken manic (not really). he enters a bar room where, according to him, everthing and everyone is exactly in the same spot as where he last remembered. He remember's going into the men's bathroom...but not the women's! (what a pervert). He makes a run for, opens the door and - HOLY CRAP - it's a giant bright electric-like glow, like a portal or a barrier where everything beyond it is non-existant. (wow, so that's what a ladies room look like). Oh, and his father turns out to be fake creature filled with red goo, and his fellow alien friend didn't get all sliced up and die in the surgery was all an illusion to test Crichton to see if he would react in a way only a human can react. I didn't get to watch the ending but I am very interested to seeing it.

Watching these two episode, I was facinated, like I became a sci-fi geek (which may be a small part of me)

1 comment:

  1. That sounds interesting enough that maybe even I'd watch it!
